
What is R^?


PLayers in certain online games (such as SOCOM II for the PS2) who actually are terrible at the game but cheat and "rank up". This operation is performed by getting friends to make "fake" names they will never use and put them on one team, with you with your "good" name on the other. Your then proceed by r^ off of them (ie: getting headshots).

man your such a r^ get the hell off this game if you can't play


Means "Ready Up" in certain games like Call of Duty. When in CAL or TWL mode, players must ready up so they can play the round.

r^ or else we can't start the round

See ready up, rup, ^, Yate


PLayers in certain online games (such as SOCOM II for the PS2) who actually are terrible at the game but cheat and "rank up". This operation is performed by getting friends to make "fake" names they will never use and put them on one team, with you with your "good" name on the other. Your then proceed by r^ off of them (ie: getting headshots).

man your such a r^ get the hell off this game if you can't play


Means "Ready Up" in certain games like Call of Duty. When in CAL or TWL mode, players must ready up so they can play the round.

r^ or else we can't start the round

See ready up, rup, ^, Yate


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