
What is Rab?


noun/adjective: random ass bitch

Did you see those rabs at the party, who the hell where they?

See random, stranger, weirdo, outsider


Random Ass Boner.

Matt was on the cherry picker and Nick smacked him in the RAB.

See boner, dick, erection, random, matt


short for an arabic person

Those damn rabs, always saying wallah.

See arabic, arab, wallah, rab, ahmed


ro feel ones self in a sexual manner

*Knock knock*

"this better be important you interupted a good rabing"

See rab, raab, rabb, feel


Random Acts of Biting

1. "Dude, I totally gotted Rabbed last night"

2. "Was it by that crazy bitch"

3. "Yeah, somebody needs to put a muzzle on her"

See random, stranger, weirdo, outsider, bitter, rabid


adj. shortened version of "rabid" or in contemporary use, something that is just plain extreme/mad

v. to randomly grab someone

*verb is original =p

Person A: Look at that roller coaster..

Person B: I know.. it looks..

Person A + B: RAB, baby~

Person A: Oh honey, I welcome you to rab me ANYtime.... ;)

See bored, people, new, usage, rabid, wild


A shorter and more fun way to say your friend Rob's name. Used very frequently when drunk.

Hey lil Casey...

Hey Rab! Will you go back inside and get me another Sparks?! Pleasssee!



See fun, rab, casey, amazing, tubular


noun/adjective: random ass bitch

Did you see those rabs at the party, who the hell where they?

See random, stranger, weirdo, outsider


Random Ass Boner.

Matt was on the cherry picker and Nick smacked him in the RAB.

See boner, dick, erection, random, matt


short for an arabic person

Those damn rabs, always saying wallah.

See arabic, arab, wallah, rab, ahmed


ro feel ones self in a sexual manner

*Knock knock*

"this better be important you interupted a good rabing"

See rab, raab, rabb, feel


Random Acts of Biting

1. "Dude, I totally gotted Rabbed last night"

2. "Was it by that crazy bitch"

3. "Yeah, somebody needs to put a muzzle on her"

See random, stranger, weirdo, outsider, bitter, rabid


adj. shortened version of "rabid" or in contemporary use, something that is just plain extreme/mad

v. to randomly grab someone

*verb is original =p

Person A: Look at that roller coaster..

Person B: I know.. it looks..

Person A + B: RAB, baby~

Person A: Oh honey, I welcome you to rab me ANYtime.... ;)

See bored, people, new, usage, rabid, wild


A shorter and more fun way to say your friend Rob's name. Used very frequently when drunk.

Hey lil Casey...

Hey Rab! Will you go back inside and get me another Sparks?! Pleasssee!



See fun, rab, casey, amazing, tubular


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