
What is Racist?


If you're a white man, this is what you are. It doesn't even matter if your wife is black and you have an adopted child from India, or how many black friends you have, somehow you're going to end up being a racist according to how the media portrays the white man as "racist whities".

All of this is funny because the white man is the one that is stereotyped as being racist, which is hypocrisy at its best. It's racist to assume that white men are racists.

If you don't get offended by racial insults, then you're apparently racist too, but an actual racist would get offended by it. When you hear a certain word too much (I'm sure we've all heard "cracka" hundreds of times thanks to standup comedy) then you become desensitized to it.

Well, that and the words white people get called sound stupid or non-offending. "cracker" came from cracking whips. Indiana Jones cracked whips too, and he was a badass. "honkey" sounds like some kind of gigantic sandwich, and "white boy" makes you seem like the lone white kid in breakdance movies that stands out amongst the other races and white kids. Most people only really think of rednecks when they think of "white trash" so they don't get offended by it if they're not rednecks.

Statistics guy: It was found out that the majority of blacks in America listen to hip hop---


Statistics guy: But I said the majority, meaning not all of th---


See Arch0wl


A label given to a person, or group of people who hate/dislike those who belong to a different race. This typically applies to hatred based on skin-color.

The KKK is a racist organization.



A term usually used by minorities to get out of any situation.

"Sir, I may have to give you a ticket for raping and brutally murdering that nun."

"You fuckin' cracka ass racist! It's just because I'm black ain't it? You say that fuckin' word like you know what you be talkin' bout! You is ignorant!"


Someone who drives a race car for a living.

Derived from the word:

race - noun. A competition of speed, as in running or riding.

and the suffix:

ist - One that performs a specified action

Hey NASCAR is on! Let's watch all the racists go around the track in their race cars!

Look at that guy in the race car... he is such a racist!


someone who thinks that people of other ethnicities are inherently inferior to one's own.

Racists can occur within any ethnicity, and no one ethnicity as a whole is racist. In fact, to say that all members of a given ethnicity are racist, or that all racists are of a given ethnicity, that is, well... racist. Talk about being no better than those you complain about...


Someone who believes their race or culture is superior to any othe. Or, someone who makes crude remarks to another's race or insults them. Although, despite what most black people think, not all white people are racist. The majority aren't. To say all white people are racist is morally low and pathetic.

All racist people should die a horrible horrible death.


A person who basically judges other people on the basis of their race. This is not limited to negative judgements alone. Attaching positive characteristics to a person because of racial considerations is still being a racist.

Everyone is racist. Even indigenous peoples and cultural minorities can be racists at times. Racism is not endemic to the first world countries. The third world is replete with racism as well.


If you're a white man, this is what you are. It doesn't even matter if your wife is black and you have an adopted child from India, or how many black friends you have, somehow you're going to end up being a racist according to how the media portrays the white man as "racist whities".

All of this is funny because the white man is the one that is stereotyped as being racist, which is hypocrisy at its best. It's racist to assume that white men are racists.

If you don't get offended by racial insults, then you're apparently racist too, but an actual racist would get offended by it. When you hear a certain word too much (I'm sure we've all heard "cracka" hundreds of times thanks to standup comedy) then you become desensitized to it.

Well, that and the words white people get called sound stupid or non-offending. "cracker" came from cracking whips. Indiana Jones cracked whips too, and he was a badass. "honkey" sounds like some kind of gigantic sandwich, and "white boy" makes you seem like the lone white kid in breakdance movies that stands out amongst the other races and white kids. Most people only really think of rednecks when they think of "white trash" so they don't get offended by it if they're not rednecks.

Statistics guy: It was found out that the majority of blacks in America listen to hip hop---


Statistics guy: But I said the majority, meaning not all of th---


See Arch0wl


A label given to a person, or group of people who hate/dislike those who belong to a different race. This typically applies to hatred based on skin-color.

The KKK is a racist organization.



A term usually used by minorities to get out of any situation.

"Sir, I may have to give you a ticket for raping and brutally murdering that nun."

"You fuckin' cracka ass racist! It's just because I'm black ain't it? You say that fuckin' word like you know what you be talkin' bout! You is ignorant!"


Someone who drives a race car for a living.

Derived from the word:

race - noun. A competition of speed, as in running or riding.

and the suffix:

ist - One that performs a specified action

Hey NASCAR is on! Let's watch all the racists go around the track in their race cars!

Look at that guy in the race car... he is such a racist!


someone who thinks that people of other ethnicities are inherently inferior to one's own.

Racists can occur within any ethnicity, and no one ethnicity as a whole is racist. In fact, to say that all members of a given ethnicity are racist, or that all racists are of a given ethnicity, that is, well... racist. Talk about being no better than those you complain about...


Someone who believes their race or culture is superior to any othe. Or, someone who makes crude remarks to another's race or insults them. Although, despite what most black people think, not all white people are racist. The majority aren't. To say all white people are racist is morally low and pathetic.

All racist people should die a horrible horrible death.


A person who basically judges other people on the basis of their race. This is not limited to negative judgements alone. Attaching positive characteristics to a person because of racial considerations is still being a racist.

Everyone is racist. Even indigenous peoples and cultural minorities can be racists at times. Racism is not endemic to the first world countries. The third world is replete with racism as well.


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