Racquetball Soccer

What is Racquetball Soccer?


A glorious sport, practiced in a racquetball court. A soccer ball takes the place of a racquetball, and two teams try to get the ball to the forward wall without letting the ball bounce on the ground more than twice. If the ball hits any wall/the ground other than the forward wall during the serve, the serve is a fault and must be done over. Play goes to an odd number decided upon at the start, as required by time available to play. 5, 7, 11, 15, and 21 are common goal scores. Not to be confused with SocCourt.

Hey! I've got a free period! Let's go play some Racquetball Soccer!

See racquetball soccer, soccer, soccourt, game, sport


A glorious sport, practiced in a racquetball court. A soccer ball takes the place of a racquetball, and two teams try to get the ball to the forward wall without letting the ball bounce on the ground more than twice. If the ball hits any wall/the ground other than the forward wall during the serve, the serve is a fault and must be done over. Play goes to an odd number decided upon at the start, as required by time available to play. 5, 7, 11, 15, and 21 are common goal scores. Not to be confused with SocCourt. The origination of the game dates back to March of 2006 at Albuquerque Academy.

Hey, I've got a free period! Lets go play some Racquetball Soccer!

See soccourt, soccer, racquet, sport, rbs


A glorious sport, practiced in a racquetball court. A soccer ball takes the place of a racquetball, and two teams try to get the ball to the forward wall without letting the ball bounce on the ground more than twice. If the ball hits any wall/the ground other than the forward wall during the serve, the serve is a fault and must be done over. Play goes to an odd number decided upon at the start, as required by time available to play. 5, 7, 11, 15, and 21 are common goal scores. Not to be confused with SocCourt.

Hey! I've got a free period! Let's go play some Racquetball Soccer!

See racquetball soccer, soccer, soccourt, game, sport


A glorious sport, practiced in a racquetball court. A soccer ball takes the place of a racquetball, and two teams try to get the ball to the forward wall without letting the ball bounce on the ground more than twice. If the ball hits any wall/the ground other than the forward wall during the serve, the serve is a fault and must be done over. Play goes to an odd number decided upon at the start, as required by time available to play. 5, 7, 11, 15, and 21 are common goal scores. Not to be confused with SocCourt. The origination of the game dates back to March of 2006 at Albuquerque Academy.

Hey, I've got a free period! Lets go play some Racquetball Soccer!

See soccourt, soccer, racquet, sport, rbs


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