What is Radio Station Withdrawal?


A heart-felt feeling of sadness occuring when a long-listened to radio station suddenly changes formats, and with little or no warning, your regularly listened to programing entertainment is gone.

A sure sign of tough economic times, after many years, 97.1 Free FM in Los Angeles switched formats from Talk Radio to Top 40. Gone are my daily favorites such as Adam Carolla in the morning, and Tom Leykis in the afternoon. I felt that these DJ entertainers were like family to me after listening to their programs for years. I am feeling depression and anxiety since I can't get my daily fix, something I can only describe as Radio Station Withdrawal.

See radio, adam carolla, depression, withdrawal, MTF


A heart-felt feeling of sadness occuring when a long-listened to radio station suddenly changes formats, and with little or no warning, your regularly listened to programing entertainment is gone.

A sure sign of tough economic times, after many years, 97.1 Free FM in Los Angeles switched formats from Talk Radio to Top 40. Gone are my daily favorites such as Adam Carolla in the morning, and Tom Leykis in the afternoon. I felt that these DJ entertainers were like family to me after listening to their programs for years. I am feeling depression and anxiety since I can't get my daily fix, something I can only describe as Radio Station Withdrawal.

See radio, adam carolla, depression, withdrawal, MTF


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