What is Rafferty?
first most common irish surname. you can tell rafferty's, but you cant tell them much.
dont talk bad to a rafferty, he'll punch your lights out.
comma Gerry.
Blazed artist during the 70's who's only hit was "Baker Street." Coincidently, this song involves no vocals, which are the obvious downfall of all his other music.
A: "Hey man, have you heard that song, "Stuck in the Middle With You?""
B: "You mean the one by Stealers Wheel?"
A: "Suck my dick you piece of shit. Gerry Rafferty and your mom can both eat my ass."
first most common irish surname. you can tell rafferty's, but you cant tell them much.
dont talk bad to a rafferty, he'll punch your lights out.
comma Gerry.
Blazed artist during the 70's who's only hit was "Baker Street." Coincidently, this song involves no vocals, which are the obvious downfall of all his other music.
A: "Hey man, have you heard that song, "Stuck in the Middle With You?""
B: "You mean the one by Stealers Wheel?"
A: "Suck my dick you piece of shit. Gerry Rafferty and your mom can both eat my ass."