
What is Rage-log?




Inflected Form(s): Rage-logged; Rage-log·ging

Date: 2008

transitive verb

1. To disconnect from the internet in a fit of rage after getting shit on by another player in an online video game.

2. To cease all contact with online teammates without warning after performing poorly in an online video game.

Cataplexis was doing so poorly, he rage-logged without telling anyone. We didn't see him for a week. He is such a peasant.

See peasant, quitter, unreliable, santorum




Inflected Form(s): Rage-logged; Rage-log·ging

Date: 2008

transitive verb

1. To disconnect from the internet in a fit of rage after getting shit on by another player in an online video game.

2. To cease all contact with online teammates without warning after performing poorly in an online video game.

Cataplexis was doing so poorly, he rage-logged without telling anyone. We didn't see him for a week. He is such a peasant.

See peasant, quitter, unreliable, santorum


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