
What is Raggah?



1. A onomotopaeic word used to distinguish frustration or anger.

2. Can be accompanied with "fraggah".

Person 1: "Hey, look at the queues, they are not clean."

Person 2: "Raggah!"

Example 2:

Person 1: "She's at it again, being cheap at the dinner table when the bill comes."

Person 2: "Raggah Fraggah"

See ugh, yuck, annoyed, consarnit, shit



1. A onomotopaeic word used to distinguish frustration or anger.

2. Can be accompanied with "fraggah".

Person 1: "Hey, look at the queues, they are not clean."

Person 2: "Raggah!"

Example 2:

Person 1: "She's at it again, being cheap at the dinner table when the bill comes."

Person 2: "Raggah Fraggah"

See ugh, yuck, annoyed, consarnit, shit


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