Rainforest Violation

What is Rainforest Violation?


A woman who has a lot of or refuses to shave her pubes. This is derived from the fact that due to the thickness of pubic hair, light will never reach the actual skin; similar to sunlight in the rainforest. In addition, the hair is thick enough to be a habitat for animal life.

This one time I saw my buddy's girl come out the shower. I kinda knew she was one of those feminist twats who didn't shave beforehand, but now I had evidence that she was a walking Rainforest Violation!

See pubes, pubic hair, natural, feminist, bitch, hairy, bush, unclean, animal, ecosystem, canopy, opaque, roofing, cunt, muff


A woman who has a lot of or refuses to shave her pubes. This is derived from the fact that due to the thickness of pubic hair, light will never reach the actual skin; similar to sunlight in the rainforest. In addition, the hair is thick enough to be a habitat for animal life.

This one time I saw my buddy's girl come out the shower. I kinda knew she was one of those feminist twats who didn't shave beforehand, but now I had evidence that she was a walking Rainforest Violation!

See pubes, pubic hair, natural, feminist, bitch, hairy, bush, unclean, animal, ecosystem, canopy, opaque, roofing, cunt, muff


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