Raisin Ranch

What is Raisin Ranch?


An old folks home. Where you drop your parents off when they get old, and are pretty much useless. I hope I never get old.

"You'd better start walking, or I'll drop you at a Raisin Ranch", said Karen to her Mother.

"My Mom works at a raisin ranch, cleaning old people's asses", I said.

"You're headed straight for the raisin ranch when you retire, Ed!" I exclaimed.

See wrinkle ranch, nursing home, hospital, hospice


An old folks home. Where you drop your parents off when they get old, and are pretty much useless. I hope I never get old.

"You'd better start walking, or I'll drop you at a Raisin Ranch", said Karen to her Mother.

"My Mom works at a raisin ranch, cleaning old people's asses", I said.

"You're headed straight for the raisin ranch when you retire, Ed!" I exclaimed.

See wrinkle ranch, nursing home, hospital, hospice


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