
What is Raisinette?


a small or young black person, usually smells bad

Check out that raisinette over there.

See nigglet, nigger, black, negroe, african american


When you take a large and wonderous shit upon an older woman's (or man's) floppy and wrinkly titties.

ManNurse: God, these old fucks won't stop giving each other raisinettes! I don't have full body depends!

See chocolate covered raisins, pink sock, abe lincoln, dirty ramirez, hot carl, jim, twinks, hos, justin timberlake, your mom, michael jackson, dubya


a small or young black person, usually smells bad

Check out that raisinette over there.

See nigglet, nigger, black, negroe, african american


When you take a large and wonderous shit upon an older woman's (or man's) floppy and wrinkly titties.

ManNurse: God, these old fucks won't stop giving each other raisinettes! I don't have full body depends!

See chocolate covered raisins, pink sock, abe lincoln, dirty ramirez, hot carl, jim, twinks, hos, justin timberlake, your mom, michael jackson, dubya


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