
What is Rajnicek?


1) opinionated, argumentative, curmudgeonly

2) hard-working, industrious

3) socially awkward

1) Try to be more polite and less rajnicek.

2) That guy never takes breaks because he is so rajnicek.

3) He will never get a girlfriend because he is too rajnicek.

See opinionated, argumentative, industrious, awkward, polite


1) opinionated, argumentative, curmudgeonly

2) hard-working, industrious

3) socially awkward

1) Try to be more polite and less rajnicek.

2) That guy never takes breaks because he is so rajnicek.

3) He will never get a girlfriend because he is too rajnicek.

See opinionated, argumentative, industrious, awkward, polite


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