What is Raki?
A drink similar to Ouzo, but made from grapeseed, not aniseed, ranging from 40% to 60%. Can cause hilarity in the correct hands/mouth.
I definitely raki'd that one
delicious turkish drink. it is harder than ouzo. ouzo tastes a little sweet compared to raki. most popular one is "yeni raki" which means "new raki" in Turkish. it is like a tradition to drink it in turkish lands. like drinking tequila in mexico. it is called 'lion milk' in street talk, because of its hardness or its color is white.
lets have raki-fish in bosphorus.
Raki is a traditional Turkish drink.
It is way better than this greek crap that called ouzo .
something you should try at least once in your life.It is also known by lion milk in slang
I missed drinking RAKI with a fish
yeah dude, it is the best combination of raki and meal
Olsada demlensek sole bi guzel
icelim guzelleselim :D
A drink similar to Ouzo, but made from grapeseed, not aniseed, ranging from 40% to 60%. Can cause hilarity in the correct hands/mouth.
I definitely raki'd that one
delicious turkish drink. it is harder than ouzo. ouzo tastes a little sweet compared to raki. most popular one is "yeni raki" which means "new raki" in Turkish. it is like a tradition to drink it in turkish lands. like drinking tequila in mexico. it is called 'lion milk' in street talk, because of its hardness or its color is white.
lets have raki-fish in bosphorus.
Raki is a traditional Turkish drink.
It is way better than this greek crap that called ouzo .
something you should try at least once in your life.It is also known by lion milk in slang
I missed drinking RAKI with a fish
yeah dude, it is the best combination of raki and meal
Olsada demlensek sole bi guzel
icelim guzelleselim :D