Ralph Fiennes

What is Ralph Fiennes?


A famous British actor, brother of actor Joseph Fiennes.

Starred in films like, the English Patient, Shindlers list, The Constant Gardener and Red Dragon. Very talented actor also incredibally sexy.

Name pronounced RAFE FINES

1. Ralph Fiennes deserved an Oscar for Shindlers List

2. Ralph Fiennes is sexy as hell.

See ralph, sexy, gardener


A famous British actor, brother of actor Joseph Fiennes.

Starred in films like, the English Patient, Shindlers list, The Constant Gardener and Red Dragon. Very talented actor also incredibally sexy.

Name pronounced RAFE FINES

1. Ralph Fiennes deserved an Oscar for Shindlers List

2. Ralph Fiennes is sexy as hell.

See ralph, sexy, gardener


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