What is Ralph Macchio Syndrome?


A disease often found in Hollywood actors. It is a condition where a male, usually an actor, does not enter puberty until an extremely late age (after age 25) and is therefore able to portray teenagers well into his 20s.

Aside from Ralph Macchio himself, Max Casella (Vinnie from Doogie Howser,) Leonardo DiCaprio, Macaulay Culkin, and Michael Jackson all suffer from varying degrees of Ralph Macchio Syndrome.

See hollywood, gay, macchio


A disease often found in Hollywood actors. It is a condition where a male, usually an actor, does not enter puberty until an extremely late age (after age 25) and is therefore able to portray teenagers well into his 20s.

Aside from Ralph Macchio himself, Max Casella (Vinnie from Doogie Howser,) Leonardo DiCaprio, Macaulay Culkin, and Michael Jackson all suffer from varying degrees of Ralph Macchio Syndrome.

See hollywood, gay, macchio


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