
What is Ralphie?


Having your girlfriend or wife fuck you in the ass with a dildo while telling you to "take it bitch.". A la Ralphie in the Sopranos.

Alice like to Ralphie her boyfriend when he asked for it.


Blonde haire blue eyed BB gun craving ass-clown from movie A Christmas Story

You'll shoot your eye out Ralphie


In the movie "A Christmas Story", 10 year old Ralphie cannot wait for the arrival of Christmas so he can get "an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time." The Nutmeg Lawyer Legal Blawg coined this phrase to describe a someone who is impatient for a result.

I usually tell Ralphies that if we rush their case, it will not bode well for them. They might shoot their eyes out.

See client, impatient, eager, legal, ardent


A term commonly used in the Caribbean for a (cocka)roach.

"Girl, yuh does keep de place so nasty. All dese Ralphies dem..."


Doing all sorts of shots at your Stock the Bar party and then leaving getting out of your truck and falling down and not being able to get up. Then throwing up on yourself and passing out on your buddy's floor til your fiance comes home and she also gets sick and falls in a shower.

I got hammered and Ralphied.

See Matt


see "jangler". intent on maintaining bevy of at least 3 beautiful babies who he "really connects with and isn't in love with", and who are on no account to be slutted by others with bigger t-shirts than his tuna-reared self.

ralphie man, you're fucked...


Dirty pervert who has sex with twelve year old girls (or boys)

That catholic priest is a real ralphie


Having your girlfriend or wife fuck you in the ass with a dildo while telling you to "take it bitch.". A la Ralphie in the Sopranos.

Alice like to Ralphie her boyfriend when he asked for it.


Blonde haire blue eyed BB gun craving ass-clown from movie A Christmas Story

You'll shoot your eye out Ralphie


In the movie "A Christmas Story", 10 year old Ralphie cannot wait for the arrival of Christmas so he can get "an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time." The Nutmeg Lawyer Legal Blawg coined this phrase to describe a someone who is impatient for a result.

I usually tell Ralphies that if we rush their case, it will not bode well for them. They might shoot their eyes out.

See client, impatient, eager, legal, ardent


A term commonly used in the Caribbean for a (cocka)roach.

"Girl, yuh does keep de place so nasty. All dese Ralphies dem..."


Doing all sorts of shots at your Stock the Bar party and then leaving getting out of your truck and falling down and not being able to get up. Then throwing up on yourself and passing out on your buddy's floor til your fiance comes home and she also gets sick and falls in a shower.

I got hammered and Ralphied.

See Matt


see "jangler". intent on maintaining bevy of at least 3 beautiful babies who he "really connects with and isn't in love with", and who are on no account to be slutted by others with bigger t-shirts than his tuna-reared self.

ralphie man, you're fucked...


Dirty pervert who has sex with twelve year old girls (or boys)

That catholic priest is a real ralphie


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