
What is Ramblo?


After a girl had fellated a man, he removes from her mouth before ejaculation, and ejaculates in two lines, one under each eye, in the same manner as mud/black paint is out under the eyes by soldiers or Rambo

Boy1: Did you get head?

Boy2: Yeah, I totally Ramblo'd her!

See head, fellatio, blow job, oral, sex, Ramblo


After a girl had fellated a man, he removes from her mouth before ejaculation, and ejaculates in two lines, one under each eye, in the same manner as mud/black paint is out under the eyes by soldiers or Rambo

Boy1: Did you get head?

Boy2: Yeah, I totally Ramblo'd her!

See head, fellatio, blow job, oral, sex, Ramblo


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