
What is Rancor?


a HUGE monster in return of the jedithat lives in a cave in jabba's palace.

jabba ordered Luke to be killed by the rancor.


noun- bitterness or hatred (towards).

A bully tease your fat ass and you're filled with rancor towards him.

See hate, kill, ill will, monster


Teh ubar awesome giant beast in Return of the Jedi that pwns n00bs.

That rancor ate my cousin.

The rancor killed a d00d in Return of the Jedi.

See losers, noob, jabba, palace, own, teh ubar


verb: Rancor, Rancored, Rancoring

In the game Dark Age of Camelot, to involve your group in a fight already in progress; participating uninvited.

Synonyms: assramming, assjamming

We were fighting albs by levians but mids came and rancored us :(


a kick ass Magic Card from one of the Urza's sets

WOW!!!!!!! I don't know how i'm gonna deal w/ rancor. It just keeps coming back!

See anonymous


a HUGE monster in return of the jedithat lives in a cave in jabba's palace.

jabba ordered Luke to be killed by the rancor.


noun- bitterness or hatred (towards).

A bully tease your fat ass and you're filled with rancor towards him.

See hate, kill, ill will, monster


Teh ubar awesome giant beast in Return of the Jedi that pwns n00bs.

That rancor ate my cousin.

The rancor killed a d00d in Return of the Jedi.

See losers, noob, jabba, palace, own, teh ubar


verb: Rancor, Rancored, Rancoring

In the game Dark Age of Camelot, to involve your group in a fight already in progress; participating uninvited.

Synonyms: assramming, assjamming

We were fighting albs by levians but mids came and rancored us :(


a kick ass Magic Card from one of the Urza's sets

WOW!!!!!!! I don't know how i'm gonna deal w/ rancor. It just keeps coming back!

See anonymous


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