
What is Randay?


A day full of random activities in which most of your money is spent. The bonding between two men. Yate.

Peach: Randay coming up my friend what do you wanna do?

LunchBox:Morrick hahahahaha

See lunchbox, randay, yate


A day of random activities in which you spend most of your money on pipes and pancakes, Yoyo's, farmer hat's etc. A bonding between two men, usually on a tuesday.

Peach: Happy randay dear sir!

John: And to you Sir Morrick.

*Shakes Hand*

See random, pipe, pancake, peach, sir


A day full of random activities in which most of your money is spent. The bonding between two men. Yate.

Peach: Randay coming up my friend what do you wanna do?

LunchBox:Morrick hahahahaha

See lunchbox, randay, yate


A day of random activities in which you spend most of your money on pipes and pancakes, Yoyo's, farmer hat's etc. A bonding between two men, usually on a tuesday.

Peach: Happy randay dear sir!

John: And to you Sir Morrick.

*Shakes Hand*

See random, pipe, pancake, peach, sir


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