
What is Ranger?


1. A division of the armed forces trained in close-combat and raiding tactics.

2. Any of a number of Texan lawmen operating on the open range.

3. Federally employed caretakers of our national wildlife preserves.

4. A warrior class in the D&D game characterised by the good base attack bonus, 10-sided hit die, and a selection of druid spells and woodcraft-related skills.

5. One o' them rangers. Dangerous folk they are, livin' in the wild... around here we just call him Strider.

And what would a mere ranger know of such things?

This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your alliegance.

5. In the works of JRR Tolkien, warriors of Numenorian descent living in the north, called Dunedain, or in the sound, called the Rangers of Illithien. They were woodsmen and fighters, trained in combatting Orcs, Trolls, and undead, who patrolled the areas of Gondor and the Shire to keep its borders safe from the Shadow of the Enemy.

One o' them rangers. Dangerous folk they are, livin' in the wild... around here we just call him Strider.

And what would a mere ranger know of such things?

This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your alliegance.


Colloquial reference to the United States Army 75th Ranger Regiment, often referred to as "Special Forces" by people who don't know what they're talking about.

While the 75th is a Special Operations unit under the command of the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), they are in reality the best-equipped and best-trained light infantry unit in the world - Special Forces refer ONLY to the units colloquially known as the "Green Berets." Enlisted Special Forces operators are all non-commissioned officers of the rank of sergeant or above, while the Rangers encompass the entire spectrum of ranks from Private (fresh out of Ranger Indoctrination) up to Command Sergeant Major.

There are three Ranger battalions; two are stationed in Georgia and the other at Fort Lewis, WA.

Can also refer to a soldier who is not a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment who is a graduate of the US Army Ranger School (ranger-tabbed).

"This is my buddy Tom from 2nd Ranger Battalion."

"Oh, he's Special Forces?"

"No, you fucking dumbass, he's Special Ops. Special Forces is the Green Berets."

See army, rangers, military


The ultimate mini truck.

Damn them little Rangers are tough buggers!


1. A compact pickup truck produced by Ford. Probably one of the shittiest, most cheaply made trucks money can buy.

2. An "elite" U.S. Army infantryman. Rangers pride themselves in physical stamina, but they are not the sharpest crayons in the box. NOT the same thing as Special Forces.

My ranger broke down again today.

Rangers can road march for 30 miles, but can't read.

See military, truck, ford, shit, bumbleclot


The surviving men of the west from the Tolkein's universe. The last surviving members of the numenorean race on Middle Earth.

Aragorn was a Ranger.


Derived from the historical ineptitude of the Texas Rangers major league baseball franchise, it is a verb meaning to suck or blowprofusely. It originated as a way to describe the act of sucking or blowing on a consistent annual basis while at the same time offering empty promises of excellence and improvement. Nowadays, it is used as a phrase synonymous with suck and blow.

EX. 1 - Since their move from Washington D.C. in 1972, the Major League Baseball team formerly known as the Washington Senators has exposed its fans to levels of rangering that have never before been seen in mankind's history.

EX. 2 - The Atlanta Hawks have pretty much rangered since the late 90's.

See suck, blow, bad, horrible, stink, texas, baseball, good, great, fantastic, excellent, honest


what some dumbasses like to call someone with red hair but THEY'RE FUCKING SPELLING IT WRONG. it's a ranga, not a bloody ranger who cares for the environment or some shit.

person 1: that ranger is soo ugly!

person 2: wtf, where?, i thought you only see them in like nature reserves

See ranga, wranga, red hair, orangutang, freckles


1. A division of the armed forces trained in close-combat and raiding tactics.

2. Any of a number of Texan lawmen operating on the open range.

3. Federally employed caretakers of our national wildlife preserves.

4. A warrior class in the D&D game characterised by the good base attack bonus, 10-sided hit die, and a selection of druid spells and woodcraft-related skills.

5. One o' them rangers. Dangerous folk they are, livin' in the wild... around here we just call him Strider.

And what would a mere ranger know of such things?

This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your alliegance.

5. In the works of JRR Tolkien, warriors of Numenorian descent living in the north, called Dunedain, or in the sound, called the Rangers of Illithien. They were woodsmen and fighters, trained in combatting Orcs, Trolls, and undead, who patrolled the areas of Gondor and the Shire to keep its borders safe from the Shadow of the Enemy.

One o' them rangers. Dangerous folk they are, livin' in the wild... around here we just call him Strider.

And what would a mere ranger know of such things?

This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your alliegance.


Colloquial reference to the United States Army 75th Ranger Regiment, often referred to as "Special Forces" by people who don't know what they're talking about.

While the 75th is a Special Operations unit under the command of the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), they are in reality the best-equipped and best-trained light infantry unit in the world - Special Forces refer ONLY to the units colloquially known as the "Green Berets." Enlisted Special Forces operators are all non-commissioned officers of the rank of sergeant or above, while the Rangers encompass the entire spectrum of ranks from Private (fresh out of Ranger Indoctrination) up to Command Sergeant Major.

There are three Ranger battalions; two are stationed in Georgia and the other at Fort Lewis, WA.

Can also refer to a soldier who is not a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment who is a graduate of the US Army Ranger School (ranger-tabbed).

"This is my buddy Tom from 2nd Ranger Battalion."

"Oh, he's Special Forces?"

"No, you fucking dumbass, he's Special Ops. Special Forces is the Green Berets."

See army, rangers, military


The ultimate mini truck.

Damn them little Rangers are tough buggers!


1. A compact pickup truck produced by Ford. Probably one of the shittiest, most cheaply made trucks money can buy.

2. An "elite" U.S. Army infantryman. Rangers pride themselves in physical stamina, but they are not the sharpest crayons in the box. NOT the same thing as Special Forces.

My ranger broke down again today.

Rangers can road march for 30 miles, but can't read.

See military, truck, ford, shit, bumbleclot


The surviving men of the west from the Tolkein's universe. The last surviving members of the numenorean race on Middle Earth.

Aragorn was a Ranger.


Derived from the historical ineptitude of the Texas Rangers major league baseball franchise, it is a verb meaning to suck or blowprofusely. It originated as a way to describe the act of sucking or blowing on a consistent annual basis while at the same time offering empty promises of excellence and improvement. Nowadays, it is used as a phrase synonymous with suck and blow.

EX. 1 - Since their move from Washington D.C. in 1972, the Major League Baseball team formerly known as the Washington Senators has exposed its fans to levels of rangering that have never before been seen in mankind's history.

EX. 2 - The Atlanta Hawks have pretty much rangered since the late 90's.

See suck, blow, bad, horrible, stink, texas, baseball, good, great, fantastic, excellent, honest


what some dumbasses like to call someone with red hair but THEY'RE FUCKING SPELLING IT WRONG. it's a ranga, not a bloody ranger who cares for the environment or some shit.

person 1: that ranger is soo ugly!

person 2: wtf, where?, i thought you only see them in like nature reserves

See ranga, wranga, red hair, orangutang, freckles


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