
What is Ranked?


(adj) pimped-out or wicked cool

Check out my ranked new BMXing bike!


Achieving high ranking in the search engine results for a targeted keyword or phrase

Our site wasn't showing up in the search engines for the phrase "urban dictionary" until we got ranked and ranked hard!

See Shell


to be owned, to be degraded

Ben: My girlfriend just dumped me

Alex: Dude...you just got ranked!

See owned, pwned, schooled, served, rank


To be completely and utterly drunkand stoned. (This may also apply to being only very drunk.)

"Load a bowl and pass me a beer, I'm going to get ranked."

"I'm so fucking ranked!"

Though Tom likes his beer, he always needs to smoke a few bowls to become ranked.

See ranking, rank, sober, raked


To be completely and utterly drunkand stoned. (This may also apply to being only very drunk.)

"Load a bowl and pass me a beer, I'm going to get ranked."

"I'm so fucking ranked!"

Though Tom likes his beer, he always needs to smoke a few bowls to get ranked.

See ranking, rank, sober, raked


(adj) pimped-out or wicked cool

Check out my ranked new BMXing bike!


Achieving high ranking in the search engine results for a targeted keyword or phrase

Our site wasn't showing up in the search engines for the phrase "urban dictionary" until we got ranked and ranked hard!

See Shell


to be owned, to be degraded

Ben: My girlfriend just dumped me

Alex: Dude...you just got ranked!

See owned, pwned, schooled, served, rank


To be completely and utterly drunkand stoned. (This may also apply to being only very drunk.)

"Load a bowl and pass me a beer, I'm going to get ranked."

"I'm so fucking ranked!"

Though Tom likes his beer, he always needs to smoke a few bowls to become ranked.

See ranking, rank, sober, raked


To be completely and utterly drunkand stoned. (This may also apply to being only very drunk.)

"Load a bowl and pass me a beer, I'm going to get ranked."

"I'm so fucking ranked!"

Though Tom likes his beer, he always needs to smoke a few bowls to get ranked.

See ranking, rank, sober, raked


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