
What is Rap?


Rap is a music genre.Its hated by many people that believe in the stereo type that only blacks make rap and its always about shooting cops, drugs, money and sex. Which leads to another stereo type that says all blacks like rap...

1.Not all blacks like rap.

2.Rap's not only for Blacks.

3.Not all rap is about money drugs and sex...

4.Not all people who like rap are black

People who don't like rap, usually say

"Rap is crap that has artists like 50 Cent."

These are people who know nothing about rap, and judge it by what they see on TV.

If you REALLY know what rap is then you'd know 50 Cent sucks balls and isn't a good rapper at all.See the people who like rap, and actually understand rap know 50 Cent is not a good rapper.Rap is poetry, despite what any other person says. Rap is like poetry with attitude,poetry with a bit of gangsterism. Look at Mos Def. That is a real rapper. Somebody like 50 Cent or Cassidy has nothing on somebody like Mos Def.

Most people say that rap degrades women. I don't really think so, because people need to realize..

A bitch is a bitch.

A hoe is a hoe.

A whore is a whore.

And a lady is a lady.

Rap has something called a beat to it, something that sounds catchy and something you can dance to.For instance Tupac's California Love is something you can dance to. And anybody that tries to say thats not a good song...well isnt there a rock song that goes "I've got 2 tickets to paradise, pack your bags we'll leave tonight."

Some people say rap is senseless and doesnt talk about anything.

Wake up people thats what music is.

The ability to say express yourself, and it just so happens rap expresses itself more than others.And anybody who doesn't like rap, thats fine, but dont talk shit about it when you don't even know about it.

I've said enough above...


75% of the word "crap"

Retarded people listen to rap cause they stupid.


Shittiest excuse for "music" ever created. Nobody knows why people even listen to it. Played at "parties," especially at parties thrown by some of my older cousins because they think they're "cool".

Rap? More like... CUH-rap!


A form of music in which a person swiftly rhymes poetry, over a beat. A subgenre of pop music. Rap is mostly influenced by hip-hopor hip hop. And this is to all the people who can't stand rap because they've never actually heard real rap:

There is no rule that talent is needed to make a song. Though talent IS needed to make rap, all of you racists just listen to a little bit of gangsta rap (i.e. G-Unit, N.W.A.) and assume that rap is all about gats, hoes, money, pimps, and gangstas! Ok you people are abosutely correct! Well....partially correct, you are correct when you say that rap is just about all about gats, hoes, money, pimps, and gangstas. *NEWS FLASH* That is NOT rap! That is GANGSTA RAP! There is a difference. If you go and listen to a rapper that was never born and raised in the urban streets, never been a gangsta, then you won't hear all that shit! Try Kanye West! Or Eminem! Even 2Pac! Though 2Pac called himself a "G", he wrote poems about love, he read books, he wasn't stupid! In high school he was an excellent actor; he was a thespian. 2Pac showed lots of love in his songs, and he WAS a gangsta. And he is the most influencial emcee in hip-hop history. Think of that. I don't really care how much the fuck you want to diss rap, as much as you classical rock people want to! Rap is music, and no one gives a fuck about what all of you people say, because your opinion cannot change what already is! And for all you people who think rappers are talentless, FUCK YOU! Try thinking about it. They first need to make a fucking beat. They have to make like 20 different beats, and then choose which one fits the flow of the song. Then the rapper has to sit down for a long ass time, and think as hard as they can, and put his thoughts down on paper as a rhyming poem. Then once the rapper has made his lyrics, he has to find that best beat for the flow of the song. Then he goes and raps out the lyrics. He is basically talking very quickly, nonstop (nonstop rapping is the correct, "real" way of rapping, which means he has to rap without stoping for about 3-5 lines), in the rhythm of the beat. Also while rapping, he needs to stress every other syllable, but he can't go too fast or else he will go faster than the beat and then the song will be ruined. Listen to any rap song by a really talented rapper. Every line will stop on the end of the beat. So once all this has been done, the song if recorded and fine-tuned. And this has to be done for every song, on every album...And no it's NOT easy. AND YOU ASSHOLES SAY THAT RAPPERS JUST TALK, AND THEY HAVE NO TALENT AT ALL. BITCHES. SO IF U DONT LIKE GANGSTA RAP, THEN DON'T LISTEN TO IT SO YOU DONT HAVE TO GO AND WHINE ABOUT HOW MUCH IT "SUCKS"! THAT MUSIC IS MOSTLY TARGETING THE GANGSTA AFRICAN AMERICAN AUDIENCES, BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY LIVE WITH. YOU GET IT? GANGSTA RAPPERS RAP ABOUT THAT FOR THE GANGSTAS! GOD! UNDERSTAND?! ITS SOOOOO SIMPLE, DON'T LISTEN TO GANGSTA RAP IF IT BOTHERS YOU!

I dont know what the fuck is up with these cocky caucasians thaty makes them think that they are the best race in the world and that just because they don't like gangsta rap, they go and whine about how much rap sucks. And the worst part is, they say rap sucks, not gangsta rap. I hate these stupid fucks who add tons of stereotypes to their defintions. 50 Cent is not a rapper. 50 Cent is a gangsta rapper. Kanye West is NOT a gangsta rapper. He is a rapper. Eminem has the background of a gangsta; he fucking grew up in Detroit. But he raps about shit that acutally matters in this world. Plus to all haters, you guys don't see us hating on rock and metal 24/7. So fuck off.


see also Hip-Hop

A genre of music spawned in the early 70's in various ghettos throughout the U.S. The name allegedly derived from people saying "That's a rap!" after performing with a DJ. A rap can usually consist of ryhmes and a beat, although sometimes done acapella. Often accused of being about nothing but sex and drugs (not dissimilar to metal), usually depicts daily life in the black ghettos or other assorted issues faced by the poorest of us.

Some Rap artists include: Eminem, 50 Cent, Run DMC, Mac Dre, Brotha Lynch Hung, Grandmaster Flash, etc...


I will say this first. I listen to punk rock and not rap. the rap i have seen was on mtv or vh1 and therefore cannot judge it. However, those of you who are judging it need to listen to at least 5 minutes of 6 differnt rap artists before you can say anything about it. if you still hate it after doing this then shut up, keep your thoughts to yourself, and be tolerant. just like in punk rock most of the stuff that is played on mtv and vh1 is PROBABLY media garbage. the music that is underground probably has more meaning to it. for those of you that say rap is only about having sex with women, and shooting people than you you haven't heard other good rap songs(eminem's mockingbird and many others). So before you judge anything look into it not just the what you see from its cover.

a punk rocker, a rap fan and a poser are at a concert. rap rapper is opening for a punk band.

(poser): what the hell is this??!!

(rap fan): hey its called rap, you got a problem with it??

(poser): all rap is garbage. it has no meaning to it. so why dont you go and listen to your half a dollar and get raped.

(punk rocker): dude have you even listened to rap??

(poser): silence

(punk rocker): no i didn't think so, and if you think that you look cool by making fun of rap and pretending to be punk, then you should know that you only look stupid.

See rap, hip hop, crunk, r&b, old school


1.A weak attempt at music...or poetry...or something...Anyway, it consists of some guy bitchin and moaning about life while another guy makes a 1st grade level beat in the background

2.Absolute proof of the degeneration of our culture.

"Wow, is this depressing poetry or what?"

"No, it sucks too much. It some of that rap shit."


Rap is a music genre.Its hated by many people that believe in the stereo type that only blacks make rap and its always about shooting cops, drugs, money and sex. Which leads to another stereo type that says all blacks like rap...

1.Not all blacks like rap.

2.Rap's not only for Blacks.

3.Not all rap is about money drugs and sex...

4.Not all people who like rap are black

People who don't like rap, usually say

"Rap is crap that has artists like 50 Cent."

These are people who know nothing about rap, and judge it by what they see on TV.

If you REALLY know what rap is then you'd know 50 Cent sucks balls and isn't a good rapper at all.See the people who like rap, and actually understand rap know 50 Cent is not a good rapper.Rap is poetry, despite what any other person says. Rap is like poetry with attitude,poetry with a bit of gangsterism. Look at Mos Def. That is a real rapper. Somebody like 50 Cent or Cassidy has nothing on somebody like Mos Def.

Most people say that rap degrades women. I don't really think so, because people need to realize..

A bitch is a bitch.

A hoe is a hoe.

A whore is a whore.

And a lady is a lady.

Rap has something called a beat to it, something that sounds catchy and something you can dance to.For instance Tupac's California Love is something you can dance to. And anybody that tries to say thats not a good song...well isnt there a rock song that goes "I've got 2 tickets to paradise, pack your bags we'll leave tonight."

Some people say rap is senseless and doesnt talk about anything.

Wake up people thats what music is.

The ability to say express yourself, and it just so happens rap expresses itself more than others.And anybody who doesn't like rap, thats fine, but dont talk shit about it when you don't even know about it.

I've said enough above...


75% of the word "crap"

Retarded people listen to rap cause they stupid.


Shittiest excuse for "music" ever created. Nobody knows why people even listen to it. Played at "parties," especially at parties thrown by some of my older cousins because they think they're "cool".

Rap? More like... CUH-rap!


A form of music in which a person swiftly rhymes poetry, over a beat. A subgenre of pop music. Rap is mostly influenced by hip-hopor hip hop. And this is to all the people who can't stand rap because they've never actually heard real rap:

There is no rule that talent is needed to make a song. Though talent IS needed to make rap, all of you racists just listen to a little bit of gangsta rap (i.e. G-Unit, N.W.A.) and assume that rap is all about gats, hoes, money, pimps, and gangstas! Ok you people are abosutely correct! Well....partially correct, you are correct when you say that rap is just about all about gats, hoes, money, pimps, and gangstas. *NEWS FLASH* That is NOT rap! That is GANGSTA RAP! There is a difference. If you go and listen to a rapper that was never born and raised in the urban streets, never been a gangsta, then you won't hear all that shit! Try Kanye West! Or Eminem! Even 2Pac! Though 2Pac called himself a "G", he wrote poems about love, he read books, he wasn't stupid! In high school he was an excellent actor; he was a thespian. 2Pac showed lots of love in his songs, and he WAS a gangsta. And he is the most influencial emcee in hip-hop history. Think of that. I don't really care how much the fuck you want to diss rap, as much as you classical rock people want to! Rap is music, and no one gives a fuck about what all of you people say, because your opinion cannot change what already is! And for all you people who think rappers are talentless, FUCK YOU! Try thinking about it. They first need to make a fucking beat. They have to make like 20 different beats, and then choose which one fits the flow of the song. Then the rapper has to sit down for a long ass time, and think as hard as they can, and put his thoughts down on paper as a rhyming poem. Then once the rapper has made his lyrics, he has to find that best beat for the flow of the song. Then he goes and raps out the lyrics. He is basically talking very quickly, nonstop (nonstop rapping is the correct, "real" way of rapping, which means he has to rap without stoping for about 3-5 lines), in the rhythm of the beat. Also while rapping, he needs to stress every other syllable, but he can't go too fast or else he will go faster than the beat and then the song will be ruined. Listen to any rap song by a really talented rapper. Every line will stop on the end of the beat. So once all this has been done, the song if recorded and fine-tuned. And this has to be done for every song, on every album...And no it's NOT easy. AND YOU ASSHOLES SAY THAT RAPPERS JUST TALK, AND THEY HAVE NO TALENT AT ALL. BITCHES. SO IF U DONT LIKE GANGSTA RAP, THEN DON'T LISTEN TO IT SO YOU DONT HAVE TO GO AND WHINE ABOUT HOW MUCH IT "SUCKS"! THAT MUSIC IS MOSTLY TARGETING THE GANGSTA AFRICAN AMERICAN AUDIENCES, BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY LIVE WITH. YOU GET IT? GANGSTA RAPPERS RAP ABOUT THAT FOR THE GANGSTAS! GOD! UNDERSTAND?! ITS SOOOOO SIMPLE, DON'T LISTEN TO GANGSTA RAP IF IT BOTHERS YOU!

I dont know what the fuck is up with these cocky caucasians thaty makes them think that they are the best race in the world and that just because they don't like gangsta rap, they go and whine about how much rap sucks. And the worst part is, they say rap sucks, not gangsta rap. I hate these stupid fucks who add tons of stereotypes to their defintions. 50 Cent is not a rapper. 50 Cent is a gangsta rapper. Kanye West is NOT a gangsta rapper. He is a rapper. Eminem has the background of a gangsta; he fucking grew up in Detroit. But he raps about shit that acutally matters in this world. Plus to all haters, you guys don't see us hating on rock and metal 24/7. So fuck off.


see also Hip-Hop

A genre of music spawned in the early 70's in various ghettos throughout the U.S. The name allegedly derived from people saying "That's a rap!" after performing with a DJ. A rap can usually consist of ryhmes and a beat, although sometimes done acapella. Often accused of being about nothing but sex and drugs (not dissimilar to metal), usually depicts daily life in the black ghettos or other assorted issues faced by the poorest of us.

Some Rap artists include: Eminem, 50 Cent, Run DMC, Mac Dre, Brotha Lynch Hung, Grandmaster Flash, etc...


I will say this first. I listen to punk rock and not rap. the rap i have seen was on mtv or vh1 and therefore cannot judge it. However, those of you who are judging it need to listen to at least 5 minutes of 6 differnt rap artists before you can say anything about it. if you still hate it after doing this then shut up, keep your thoughts to yourself, and be tolerant. just like in punk rock most of the stuff that is played on mtv and vh1 is PROBABLY media garbage. the music that is underground probably has more meaning to it. for those of you that say rap is only about having sex with women, and shooting people than you you haven't heard other good rap songs(eminem's mockingbird and many others). So before you judge anything look into it not just the what you see from its cover.

a punk rocker, a rap fan and a poser are at a concert. rap rapper is opening for a punk band.

(poser): what the hell is this??!!

(rap fan): hey its called rap, you got a problem with it??

(poser): all rap is garbage. it has no meaning to it. so why dont you go and listen to your half a dollar and get raped.

(punk rocker): dude have you even listened to rap??

(poser): silence

(punk rocker): no i didn't think so, and if you think that you look cool by making fun of rap and pretending to be punk, then you should know that you only look stupid.

See rap, hip hop, crunk, r&b, old school


1.A weak attempt at music...or poetry...or something...Anyway, it consists of some guy bitchin and moaning about life while another guy makes a 1st grade level beat in the background

2.Absolute proof of the degeneration of our culture.

"Wow, is this depressing poetry or what?"

"No, it sucks too much. It some of that rap shit."


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