
What is Rapacious?


Taking by force; plundering.

Greedy; ravenous.

Subsisting on live prey.

'Thy Lord redeem thee from Death's rapacious claim'

See Rapacious


1. adj. Excessively Grabbing

2. Slang for Gangsta Raper (Not Rapper)

1. Look how rapacious John is being towards Bob's Balls!

2. Hear about G's Rapacious Cousin?

Naa I stick to the Gangsta Rappaz!


See pen, clock, shoe, penal


nub nubbins nubby noob

Thine Rapacious is a nub


Taking by force; plundering.

Greedy; ravenous.

Subsisting on live prey.

'Thy Lord redeem thee from Death's rapacious claim'

See Rapacious


1. adj. Excessively Grabbing

2. Slang for Gangsta Raper (Not Rapper)

1. Look how rapacious John is being towards Bob's Balls!

2. Hear about G's Rapacious Cousin?

Naa I stick to the Gangsta Rappaz!


See pen, clock, shoe, penal


nub nubbins nubby noob

Thine Rapacious is a nub


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