Rape Sex

What is Rape Sex?


Rape sex occurs when a rapist is in the act of rape, and the rapee (the person being raped) in turn rapes the rapist.

Simply put:

Person A rapes Person B. However, Person B starts to rape Person A - effectively canceling out the rape (by making it legal and consented sex).

Rape sex is similar to a theorem in a subject like algebra. If John rapes Susy, but Susy in turn rapes John than they really didn't rape at all; they had perfectly consented to sex. All the rape cancels.

Modern mathematics say if you have the equation: m/m

That two m's cancel out, leaving only 1.

In context of rape sex, the equation would be: rape(sex)/rape(sex)

The problem being that both rape and sex would cancel out, leaving the number 1. Obviously this proves the mathematical theory of procreation (aka sex) as the number 1 will be the child created by sex.

When Person A goes and starts raping Person B, but then while Person A is raping Person B, Person B beings to rape Person A. = Rape Sex

See rape, sex, consent, irony, sexual


Rape sex occurs when a rapist is in the act of rape, and the rapee (the person being raped) in turn rapes the rapist.

Simply put:

Person A rapes Person B. However, Person B starts to rape Person A - effectively canceling out the rape (by making it legal and consented sex).

Rape sex is similar to a theorem in a subject like algebra. If John rapes Susy, but Susy in turn rapes John than they really didn't rape at all; they had perfectly consented to sex. All the rape cancels.

Modern mathematics say if you have the equation: m/m

That two m's cancel out, leaving only 1.

In context of rape sex, the equation would be: rape(sex)/rape(sex)

The problem being that both rape and sex would cancel out, leaving the number 1. Obviously this proves the mathematical theory of procreation (aka sex) as the number 1 will be the child created by sex.

When Person A goes and starts raping Person B, but then while Person A is raping Person B, Person B beings to rape Person A. = Rape Sex

See rape, sex, consent, irony, sexual


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