Rape Station

What is Rape Station?


A gas station in which gasoline is very expensive. Often the prices per gallon for a rape station are hard to see from the nearby streets, and one does not know the prices until they actually drive into the station. The particulars of a country's petroleum imports/exports or futures are not taken into account when designating a gas station a "rape station", and the designation is somewhat subjective.

Tired of getting screwed for gas, John found a small, run-down Arco that looked promising. As he pulled up to a pump, however, he found his hopes dashed: at $2.059 for regular, he had run into yet another rape station.


n. The place where the act of rape occurs. Usually a group lures a n00b into the station and "rapes" the n00b.

v. The act of Rape Stationing

The origin of Rape Station derived from a game of Halo 3, where a team of L33T owners, played a team of n00bs on Pit Stop. (a usual arena for MLG games or regular Team Slayer) At the start of the game the L33t team got their sniper, shotty and maulers and proceeded to enter the main base (where the energy sword is held) They fought off the other team for the entire game with a final score of 50-9

The whole team had a K/D spread of at least +6 with the highest spread going to The Color Five with +22.

From this the term "Rape Station" was born. It continues to live on in not just Halo 3but other games and in RL as well.

"Dude that game was a Rape Station"

See rape, halo 3, noob, ownage


Where one goes to rape and/or be raped.

I went to the rape station the other night, and they had a ten-year-old. She was so tight, I came almost immediately.

See rape, pedophilia, jailbait, free


What i would like to call, "Port Jeff Station"

dont raise your kids there


A gas station in which gasoline is very expensive. Often the prices per gallon for a rape station are hard to see from the nearby streets, and one does not know the prices until they actually drive into the station. The particulars of a country's petroleum imports/exports or futures are not taken into account when designating a gas station a "rape station", and the designation is somewhat subjective.

Tired of getting screwed for gas, John found a small, run-down Arco that looked promising. As he pulled up to a pump, however, he found his hopes dashed: at $2.059 for regular, he had run into yet another rape station.


n. The place where the act of rape occurs. Usually a group lures a n00b into the station and "rapes" the n00b.

v. The act of Rape Stationing

The origin of Rape Station derived from a game of Halo 3, where a team of L33T owners, played a team of n00bs on Pit Stop. (a usual arena for MLG games or regular Team Slayer) At the start of the game the L33t team got their sniper, shotty and maulers and proceeded to enter the main base (where the energy sword is held) They fought off the other team for the entire game with a final score of 50-9

The whole team had a K/D spread of at least +6 with the highest spread going to The Color Five with +22.

From this the term "Rape Station" was born. It continues to live on in not just Halo 3but other games and in RL as well.

"Dude that game was a Rape Station"

See rape, halo 3, noob, ownage


Where one goes to rape and/or be raped.

I went to the rape station the other night, and they had a ten-year-old. She was so tight, I came almost immediately.

See rape, pedophilia, jailbait, free


What i would like to call, "Port Jeff Station"

dont raise your kids there


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