
What is Raro?


Gay men who act straight when in reality they are quite gay without anyone knowing. Able to act straight while being gay.

Guy 1: Man, I think that guys a Raro.

Guy 2: Why you say that?

Guy 1: Man I caught him lookin' at my ass in the mirror.

Guy 2: Yeah right, he looks straight.

Guy 1: Yeah well maybe.

See gay, homo, queer, straight


Gay men who act straight when in reality they are quite gay without anyone knowing. Able to act straight while being gay.

Guy 1: Man, I think that guys a Raro.

Guy 2: Why you say that?

Guy 1: Man I caught him lookin' at my ass in the mirror.

Guy 2: Yeah right, he looks straight.

Guy 1: Yeah well maybe.

See gay, homo, queer, straight


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