
What is Ratfuck?


Origin: USMC

To steal or disorganize items that do not belong to you.

Office: Don't let George ratfuck my files while I am gone next week.

Military: Who ratfucked the MREs?


A military term. Refers to rooting through an assortment of items and only taking what you want/need. It usually involves opening up a package or something shrinkwrapped, taking the desired item(s) and leaving the rest behind for the next unsuspecting individual.

Term is used in the Infantry division of the Army when someone opens up an MRE (meal ready to eat) package and only takes the candy/cookies. This leaves the next person to a meal with no treat.

"Some asshole ratfucked my MRE and took the Tootsie Pop!"

"Who ratfucked the Costco potato chip assortment and only took the Doritos?"

"You dick. You ratfucked the mini-cereals and only took the Apple Jacks".

See ratfuck, ratfucked, rat fucked, ratfucking


A clever or dirty prank.

We sure ratfucked the 4th floor girls when we stole all their shower curtains.

See prank, rf, trick, joke, fuck


A total mess. Like a clusterfuck, or an all-around fuck-up.

OMFG, I can't believe you invited Scott's ex to the party, it was a total ratfuck.


Politics: Formerly known as "the double-cross," it refers to infiltration and sabotage of the opposition party, particuarly during (but not limited to) an election campaign. The second half of "All the President's Men" describes ratfucking done to 1972 Democratic presidential candidates by employees of the Committee to Re-Elect Nixon.

Ken Clawson, Nixon's communications director, confessed to a ratfuck when he told how he forged a letter making it look like a Democratic candidate was a racist.

A typical ratfuck is to falsely claim there's a political rally for the opposition party, order 300 pizzas for delivery in the name of the party, and then nobody shows up.

See double-cross, politics, on the level, fair and square


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