
What is Ratkid?


A ratkid is a reject that hangs around local places Such As; Parks, Bus Stations, Public Attractions (ie: town centers, Modern Statues) drinking alchopops and smoking menthol cigarettes (because they want to look bad but cough everytime they take down a normal cigarette drag).

They tend to always have a lot of money due to their parents being rich so if they want to copy the latest myspace king/queen they can in a finger snap.

There is no easy stereotype of a "ratkid" they just copy everyone else.

The easy ways to distinguish a ratkid are..

1.Wearing Clashing Items Such As; A My Chemical Romance Hoody And A Slayer T-Shirt.

2.Will do anything for you.

3.Listens to all the bands you used to listen to.

4.Overuses words like "Brutal".

5.Not actually knowing why people use the word "brutal"

6.Oli Sykes (lead singer of bring me the horizon) is their idol.

7.Hates the taste of real alcohol.

Now you know what a ratkid is,


Before its too late.

A Myspace King Puts A Rip On His Jeans Near His Crotch,

Within 3 Hours Every Ratkid In Town Will Have Rips On Their Jeans Near The Crotch.

Ratkid: Do You Want A Cigarette?

Boy: No Thanks I've Decided To Turn SxE Because That Way You Live Longer And Better*

Ratkid A: Thats Great To Hear!

5mins later..

Ratkid B: Do You Want Me To Buy You Any Alcohol?

Ratkid A: No Thanks I'm SxE Now Because Boy Is

Ratkid B: O Rly?! I Think I Will Be Too Then! (Throws Alcohol In Bin)

* SxE Isn't Cool.

See ratkid, emo, goth, copycat, rat, kid, richmond, menthol, wkd


A kid at a local hang out (school, cafe, club etc) that is the epitemy of a human rat; looks, smells, sounds, eats and moves like a rat. A common noise for the ratkid is: mi mi mi mi mi. Check the sound for proper pronunciation.

Ratkid: Mi mi mi mi mi mi

Random: Shut up ratkid


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