
What is Rauch?


To smoke something, usually weed. Derived from the German verb "rauchen," which is to smoke.

Dude, I rauched mad last Saturday.


The Red Captain in Red and Grey in 2006.

Mike Rauch led his team as close to victory as he could, however Louie Luxemburg is a stupid fuck.

See rauch, captain


smoke or to smoke. particularily weed. derived from the german word rauch, meaning smoke.

dude - i rauched mad much last saturday.



To put a fresh log of dog shit under someone's car door handle, so when they open their door, they stick their fingers in dog shit. Named after its first victim, Arielle Rauch.

She's such a cunt, lets rauch her.


to be a cocky and overrated fool

Dude, you were rauching it in front of that girl, she's not gonna go for you

See douchebag, jerk, cockbag, vaginitis, slut


verb: To screw up horribly

Fuck, I rauched!



to provide an adjetive that can mean any thing

so i was drunk and i rauched all over the place.


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