
What is Rausch?



1. To come back to your old high school after graduating and being in college to attend all events, important and un-important alike (powder puff football, JV sports games, school plays, EVERY home event no matter which sport), just to hit on the girls you had no chance with in high school and still have no chance with now.


2. A big flaming faggoty douche bag

1. Haha, look at Cody try and Rausch on those completely under aged girls that he used to go to high school with. Poor guy really needs to get a life.

2. Wow look at that, Cody is back here again, it's Powder Puff for God's sake. What a Rausch.

See faggot, fag, loser, cody, rausch, pedophile


The lewd and vicious act of crop dusting your coworkers. Targets have been known to include, but are certainly not limited to, cubicles, closed offices, and conference rooms.

Dude, come smell this... I think Suzie just rausched the shit out of my cube!

See crop dust, crop dusting, farting


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