
What is Reading?


A forgotten art.

Reading is thought-provoking, educational and entertaining. It's a shame so few people do it anymore.

See reading, read, book, sex, smart, knowledge, information, wisdom


rich white town in mass dominated by:

-soccer mom's stopping in the middle of traffic to give you information about your own family

-cops who have nothing better to do than find the best places to hide with their radar guns

-the boy's hockey team and football team

-teenagers who buy shitty overpriced pot using their parents money

-golden retrievers

Go Reading Rockets! Oh wow you live in Reading! You must be rich.

See rich, snobby, ignorant, conceded


The act of defiling one's eyes to malicous, or mind-boggoling content.

Did you see how red John's eyes were? He must have been reading.

See pain, agony, sorrow, malcontent


A music festival. Meny people with a similar taste in music meet up, sleep in tents, have a drink, and have a good time. Its nice :)

Reading festival is a good time!!

See music, festival, tents, fun, drink


Code word used to describe the act of sexual intercourse (doing the nasty).

Girl you are off 'da hook! Why don't you and I enjoy some reading time?

See sex, fun, intercourse, knocking, boots


A lifelesssuburbanupper-middle class town 10 minutes outside of Boston full of snobby parents and teenage stoners everywhere who drive around and listen to dave matthews all day. Weekends are full of random houses and woods to booze in for fun and lots of copswho have nothing better to do but catch you.

"yo, i'm from reading, lets go on a blunt cruise and hit up jordans furniture for ice cream after, sound chill?"

See lifeless, suburban, upper middle class, stoners, cops, snobby


Home of emos, punks, goths, and lots (and I mean LOTS) of stoner grungekids. Bad shopping,no music scene,basically the suburban version of London.

Also,lots of snobby rich kids who are *down* with grindie and worsip Alex Turner,even though they've never set foot on a council estate in their lives.

Strangely chavfree town.Rumours persist they were hunted down and burned in a 1800s' style way.

Reading:Suburbia in denial.

"Wow,look at that seven year old kid smoking pot and rocking out to Velvet Underground CDs! He's a PRO,man!"

"Let's go to Reading!"


See grunge kid, stoner, chav, boring


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