
What is Rebuttal?


A statement that refutes, contradicts, or otherwise disagrees with a something previously said.

A poor example, thought up in a matter of seconds:

John: LOLOL WHALES LAY EGGS!!11!!1one!

Martin: I disagree, whales do not lay eggs.

John: oh

John: btw, was taht a rebuttal?

Martin: Yes. Yes it was.

See contradict, refute, whales, eggs, idiocy


While playing Beer Pong, after one team has sunk the ball into their opponents last cup, the opponents then get one more shot to save themselves.

The host of the party/purchaser of the beer/other appointed beer pong authority reserves the right to suspend the rebuttal rule.

We thought they had us, but we got the rebuttal and won it.

See beer, beer pong, drinking games, beer bong, flip-cup


What occurs when male homosexuals switch sex positions more than once.

Joe's performance was very fast so Alan got a rebuttal.

See awesome, buttsecks, homosexual


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