
What is Reckon?


V. To believe.

V. To contend with, to compete against.

"I reckon that there are twenty four hours in a day. Anyone think I'm wrong?"

"The man was quite a force to be reckoned with, as he had many good friends in the business."


To guess or suppose.

I reckon we better get out of here before we get shot.

See guess, southern, south, funny


1. to judge , to consider

2. to think

3. to estimate

I don't reckon your chances of success.

I reckon I can fly.

See agata


To think, suppose, stipulate.

I reckon it'll take three hours to get to Birmingham.

What do you reckon we'll have to do to convince him?

Rain tomorrow, d'you reckon?


To 'reckon' is to think or believe something.

2. Agree something is right.

1. Skateboarder 1 : "Reckon I'm gunna land a crooked grind on this steep-ass handrail?"

Skateboarder 2 :"I reckon you'll get nailed, but try it anyway."


2. Skateboarder 1 : "Do you reckon that I never had a hope in hell of doing it?"

Skateboarder 2 : "I reckon!"

See Diego


Reckon is a term used by my family , and most likely other oklahomans. Reckon when used in a sentance means guess, but you have to use it right. i never realized hoe hick it was, and that it wasnt a real word till the other day. haha

"I reckon im gonna go out to the pond for a swim."


Used as an exclamation to express disbelief. Usually spoken with deliberate excess emphasis on both syllables.

"I had it off with Mary last night!"

"Yeah, reckon."


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