Red States

What is Red States?


To give a REAL definition and not bash the right for a change of pace, this is the term given to states during elections that have more Republican votes than Democratic votes.

"Here's the country map. Look at all those red states."


The states that voted in George W Bush. Sine those states are full of fucking morons, it has become a saying.

When somebody does something incredible stupid they are refered to as a red state.

(Isn't it funny how the two states that were effected by 9/11, NY and Washington, voted in Kerry?)

You drank a can of paint? What's wrong with you, you fucking red state!!?


States in which large segments of its citizens walk around with their heads up their asses, pulling them out only long enough to burn a cross or make a bigoted statement. Usually vote Republican, even though their populations are comprised largely of individuals living near or below the poverty line and thus unlikely to be favored by Republican tax and fiscal policies.

It would be wonderful if we could get from New York to California without having to cross through any red states.

See racist, homophobic, republican, bigot, white trash


States full of people who voted for G.W. Bush (a.k.a. the first herald of the apocalypse). The majority of people in these states have forgotten that this country was founded on the separation of CHURCH AND STATE and put a coked up jesus freak in office because "he prays" and he talks about jesus alot.

Fuckin red states, you know hes going to bring on the apocolyspe!

See red, state, redneck, hick, religion


The states that liberalandproud wishes to abolish from this country. Like typical liberals, he/she believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him/her (i.e. people from the red states) is inarguably a moron, idiot, etc. Here's an idea: perhaps the reason that the Red States supported Bush because Kerry was not an effective candidate?

Of course, it's pointless to try to talk sense to most liberals, as they will always resort to personal attacks and maintain their attitude that they are right, and everyone else is just too stupid to understand the right way.


The best places in the United States that make up over half of the nation's total population as well as around 3/4 of the country's total land mass. These particular states are filled with good people, usually who work for a living and get educations or they work hard to make something of themselves. There are a few ultra-liberal morons and ghetto-ass black people who hate whites, but overall it is the better people who have morals, a work ethic, care about their families, and defend their personal beliefs and will stand up for their president, or at least for their country.

All of you blue states are outnumbered and outwitted, as a result of our being more intelligent than you. Go Bush Go!


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