
What is Reddit?


A user generated web 2.0 news website with a lefty, libertarian and geek slant. Tends to be slightly more upmarket than its larger competitor digg. The comment system at reddit actually works unlike the broken system over on digg. This results in (usually) more intelligent conversations. One issue with Reddit is that a number of users have installed bots which automatically down vote or up vote specific topics. In 2007, it was known for its support of Ron Paul (and then later Obama), its anger at George W Bush and Cheney and its opposition to the invasion of Iraq and its opposition to any potential attack on Iran. Reddit users are also overwhelming against organized religion be it Christian, the Cult of Scientology, Islam or Judaism.

One annoying or endearing feature of reddit that is also unique is "theme" usernames who behavior in stereotyped fashions usually occuring to their chosen username (eg. CAPTAIN_OBVIOUS.) These can be fun, but they usually wear pretty thin after a few days.

In general, reddit is a smart forum than digg, although everyone is always saying that slowly reddit is becoming digg while digg is becoming 4chan.

Typical reddit postings:

Vote up if you want George W Bush impeached!

Yet another xkcd cartoon

20 reasons why Lisp is better than Haskell

10 reasons why Arc is better than Lisp

15 reasons why Haskell is better than Arc

Crazy religious retards are doing something stupid and illogical again.

See reddit, digg, atheism, scientology, obama, paul, xkcd


A contest to see who can write the silliest headlines and comments, which are upvoted for novelty and absurdness.

Typical Reddit Headline:

Upvote if SCIENTOLOGY kidnapped your mother and RAPED your sister!!!1!

See reddit, circle jerk, digg, bigotry, anti-bush


A site or hive-mind for grown-up children that were too ugly or geeky to be abused by their priest and now majorly pissed off about it. Like Manichism, The Reddit Church of Fundamental Atheists has a dualist philosophy with two gods, one named Darwin and the other a living deity called Dawkins. Members of the church can vote on which stories reach the front page. Reddit tends to recycle the same stories on its front page over and over again, abliet with slight modifications it the hope that no one catches on. Typically in 3 categories, 1)Funny animal pictures 2)Gossip about republicans 3)Jesus SUXXXXX!!!!. The site believes it has a monopoly on reason and user will discuss topics in the comments section which can be broken down into 5 categories 1)Comments on funny animal pictures 2)Comments about republicans 3)Jesus SUXXXXX!!!!4) Redditors telling us their life stories 5)Redditors making fun of other redditors life stories. As long as you have the exact same opionions as the other redditors you can celebrate your independent thinking. Here are 2 examples 1)"Hey reddit I hate religion!" Welcome to reddit! 2)"Hey Redditors could you please explain to me why you hate Jesus so much?" Fuck off you Christian fundamentalist! You can't reason with religious people! Fuck off with your religious wars and women abuse!

Despite having all the answers to all the worlds problems, most redditors would prefer to spend time in their basements and on better sites like 4chanand digg.

A feature that make the site worth visiting is the NSFW section, which typically has very few comments so you don't have to listen to the preaching while you fap.

See digg, web, traffic, linkjack, blog


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