
What is Redrum?


murder backwards; as seen in The Shining

The boy in the Shining keeps saying "Radrum" while walking through the empty hotel.


Word used in the novel "The Shining" by Stephen King and in the movie based on it and directed by Stanley Kubrick. "Murder" spelt backwards. Also works on many other levels, being suggestive of bloodshed, wrath, inebriation, violence, a force that consumes people's lives like some satisfying drink, and something used to subdue the Native American tribes that form a subtext of the film.

... redrum ... redrum ... redrum ... redrum ... redrum ... redrum ... redrum ... redrum ... redrum ...

See hotel, writer, insanity, possession, winter, murder


1. phrase popularized by The Shining implying "murder"

2. murder for the dyslexic

1. "redrum... Redrum... REDRUM!"

2. "REDRUM!" (stabs English teacher with the hilt of a knife)

See shining, redrum, murder, merder, red rum


cocktail made of Malibu Rum and Cranberry juice

Hey bartender... give me a redrum, light on the blood please.

See Beth


Redrum is a kind of animal that doesn't ejaculate very often because of its extraordinary bad smell. It is often seen in the jungle and at WDK (World Domination Kronhjort).

Dude, did you see that Redrum?

See redrum, murder, red, rum, mur, der


That frikken crazy kid from The Shining says this

*Twitches Finger*

Crazy Kid: Redrum!


1. alchohol

2. the famouskid on socomcodes, some people hate him, some people love him. his username is r3drum_inc

3. from a movie

1.lets drink some alchohol, and i want a redrum.

2. YAY!! its redrum's b-day, lets party

See your mom


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