Ree Ree

What is Ree Ree?


short for retard. usually used with word "freakin"

Jeeze! M_ is such a freakin reeree


1. someone who acts retarded

2. someone who is retareded

3. someone who is being a jerk

4. someone doing something stupid

5. tobin

GOD! Tobin is such a ree ree.


1.One who is mentally retarded or acts accordingly.

2.A very dumb, astranged individual.

That guy is a Ree Ree if ive ever seen one.


Noun: One who acts as if they are mentally retarded.

Josh just tripped down the stairs, what a ree ree.

See retarted, stupid, moron, goofy, ugly


To say to another, "really".

Lisa texted Christian, "Yes baby, I ree ree like it!"

"I will have the salad but what I ree ree want is a double cheeseburger with fries."

See ree ree, ree-ree, really, for real, for realz


backward, birdbrained, defective, dim, dim-witted, dopey, dull, dumbbell, dumbo, dumdum, dummy, exceptional, feeble-minded, gorked, half-witted, held back, imbecile, lamebrained, mentally defective, moronic, numbskull, opaque, pinhead, retardo, sappy, simple, simple-minded, slow, slow-witted, stupid, subnormal, touched, underachieving, weak, yo-yo, impaired, inarticulate, incoherent, mousy, mum, mute, quiet, silent, soundless, speechless, tongue-tied, uncommunicative, wordless.

You are dumb.

See fucker


one who is in love of fish, usualy one who is a stoner

ree ree stop mic spam

See ree ree


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