
What is Reegee?


One who plans to "Change the world". For better or worse? You decide!

I'm tellin' u nigga, 1 o' these dayz dat motherfucka'll change da world foo! Cuz he'z a ReeGee!


The best brother and sibling can have. He's loving, caring, and smells but it's ok.... u get use to it.... YA DAMN RITE MAKE SHURE 80 PROOF GOES ALL DA WAY...just not past my usher :)

I can't belive I have my own ReeGee.

See Althea


A wannabee thug who is desperatly seeking the approval of any one sympathetic enough to look up this definition. Sometimes reffered to as one who partakes but will not pitch on a spliff and repeatedly professes, "Yo, I don't burn guy!"

See: (hypocrite)

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See A Friend


The person who will kill the pussy ass motherfucker who thinks hes cool by making a 2nd definition, because hes jelous that i have a girl who thinks im sexy and he probably has rough sex with his hand on a nightly basis.

Reegee is going to kill "A friend" with a fuckin cutlass.


The hottest guy that will ever exist. He's sweet like suga and rocks the world of all women. Impossible not to love him!

Damn! That ReeGee thug rocks my world!

See Natalie


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