Regal Douche

What is Regal Douche?


a.k.a "king douche" a regal douche is a douche deserving a more severe title

Dwight, the forty year old shelf stocker at Wal-Mart is a regal douche

See piss off


regal douche- an emphasis on the classic insult "douche" or "douchebag"

Dwight, the 40 year old manager of the Y who checks out 10 year old girls, is a regal douche

See piss off


a.k.a. king douche, an emphasis on the classic insult "douche" or "douchebag"

Dwight, the 40 year old manager of the YMCA who checks out 10 year old girls, is a regal douche.

See piss off


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