
What is Regardless?


without consideration

Regardless if what you may have to say is important or not, I still think that it is not essential to my everyday life, and therefore from this point forward, I will ignore you.


A gamer term used as a rebuttal after a traumatic beak

Gamer 1: you're an uber haxing n00b who has RL bum sex with the admins yet still manages to get pwned by a half retarded baby girl with autism

Gamer 2: regardless..

See care, irregardless, hax, pwn, n00b sauce


regardless means no what matter what somebody else said you gone what you said you would do

REGARDLESS!! we scratchin rite here rite now.

See regardless, re, gard, less, no, matter, what


regardless is clarification that you are intincing yourself, not too go with something commenced,showing that you are looking over something partialy or fully not careing showing idiocy.

see other definitions of regardless...

See regardless, books, regardless devon victory, regardless devon victory


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