
What is Reggie?


regular weed

I wanted the chronic but Reggie was the only one hanging out.

See jojo


A big dick

Why is your ass bleeding? Oh I just got pounded by a reggie

See huge dick, big dick, ron jeremy, pecker


The non african american way to acknowledge a black person. Derives from the word Reginald.

Damn man, those crazy reggies play some funky music.

See reggin, nukka, black man, whitey, cracka


A person who isn't a 'sidekicker' aka owner of a kick. They don't know how to talk to people on a txting level. While sidekickers put effort and time into our convos they will respond in such ways: 'O', 'yea' 'ha' 'lol' 'ok'. To retaliate we may such words back to get their lazy asses to say more than two damn words. How to solve prob? : Hook reggies up wit a kick.

sidekicker:Heyyyy? wassup? How are you?


sidekicker: Wat u doin?

reggie:nuthin. bored.

sidekicker: Really? I just won a million dollars, saved a cat, and got shot in the leg!


See reggie, reggy, regular phone


An Australian. Derived from reject.

I'll tell you, this bloody pub is being taken over by reggies. Seems like every reggie around snaps up a working-holiday visa and tramps over here to pour us beers.

See australian, rolf harris, wombat


The non african american way to acknowledge a black person. Derives from the word Reginald.

Damn man, those crazy reggies play some funky music.

See reggin, nukka, black man, whitey, cracka


1. (v.): to masterbate publicly(male), often in the company of other men

2. (n.): a man masterbating in public, often in the company of other men

1. Rich pulled a Reggie when he was drunk!

2. Look at that Reggie in the corner!

See jack-off, masterbate, regie, reggy


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