
What is Rego?


A family of men that possess genitalia of long and thick proportions on the island of Bermuda.

I had sex with that Rego boy and damn, his cock was huge!

See rego, jamie, bermuda, james


Short for registration. A term used for some online games that manage to lose packets in the transfer between client and server, specifically counter-strike where it is possible that a direct hit to the head (or any other part of the body) not be registered by the server resulting in no kill and agrivation. Often people get annoyed with this stupid aspect of online gaming and diol.

"I just shot that guy in the head, didn't get any rego though"

"Im so tired of this rego, when i shoot it never hits."

See registration, annoyance, gayness, online, rego


A silly old man that teaches Math at dedham High in the Alternative Program. Also he has his own tv shows called "Rego's To Rego's" it was a hit in the 70's but was taken off air after only a few episodes, due to its innapropriate content. Also Rego resembles an arangatang, nicknaming him "The Regotang"

"Your in Alternative? Damn you must have Rego!"

See hughes, paul, clinton


regular cheap marijuana. usually over 2.5 grams for $20 , alot of times bought on the street when dealer homies are clowning.

man no one has no dank , i am rolling downtown to get some rego wanna put 5 on it?

See reg, regular, beaster, bammer, brickweed


most insanely cool best bud anyone could ever have

wow, you are like a total rego.

See miss


1.hottest girl alive, no girl in the world could top her

2. also amazingly beautiful

i love rego

rego is the hottest piece of ass damnn

See Tim


A pompous ignoramus indigenous to and usually found in the vicinity of Southern California. Regards itself as oh so very educated and superior, but is incapable of independent thought and clings desperately to every myth it has ever caught wind of.

That rego has got to be kidding!

See fool, cretin, moron, imbecile, halfwit


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