
What is Relatives?


People who are related to you, whether you like it or not.

I hate most of my dad's relatives. they're so mean to me.


hairy , old people who smell and try to kiss you when ever they come in town. and your parents force u to be nice to tehm and let their gross asses sleep in your bed

my relative smell like shit


1. People you're forced to live with, to love, and to respect,although more than half the time you dispise and wish would die a slow painful death

2. People you love to hate

My relatives are comming over, would u mind sticking flaming bamboo chutes up my fingernails and skinning me alive so i dont have to be with them?


Parasites that live in your house that no matter how much poison you put in the pot roast they still wont die.

Why are your relatives crapping themselves?


People whose exsistance you tend to deny in a social gathering.

"Are those your relatives?"


See trip


n. Relatives are people of your family. Usually annoying as hell and trying to be a cheapskate by staying over awhile. Also steals food from you.

The f****** relatives are coming over...quick, hide the food!


people related....

baby mamas sister, fat aunt jama,...etc

See April


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