Religious Ignorance

What is Religious Ignorance?


Someone who only has knowledge of their own religion (usually a form of Christianity) rather than the major ones: Islam, Jewism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism. Also: someone who has their eyes blinded to truth by religious ignorance (ie: dinosaurs could not have existed - they are not in the Bible)

Religious ignorance usually is concentrated in churches - how ironic.

See Colin


The ignorance of being religious, or ignorance in a religious kind of way.

"Give me a book, tell me it's old, and I'll believe every word in it."


dumbasses who think that the only important religion is their own and those who think things only exist if they are in a book that i located in most motels

white american christians

See stan


1. Atheism

2. Religious fundamentalism (i.e. forgetting the fundamentals of religion)

See Laika


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