What is Renton?
A town near Seattle, that wishes it was Seattle.
This isn't Renton, it's Seattle
Town immediately south of Seattle Washington. Inhabited primarily by obese teen mothers donning Nike Warehouse sweatsuits and extraordinary camel toes. Major industries include SE Asian-owned cigar/paraphernalia/mini-motorbike shoppes, mail-order brides, dentures and bathtub crank. Popular cultural pastimes include tubing in coliforms, QVC, dogfighting and Montel.
"Sure, she's a balding swamp donkey, but she's also Ms. Teen Renton! 'nother Jager?"
Pronounced: Ren-Tahn
The act of taking one's first and second born and smashing them together
Damn Washingtonian drivers! I will Renton them!
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