Reply All

What is Reply All?


While receiving a blow job, the male repeatedly compliments and approves of the female's technique and emphasizes his national pride. The male apologizes for eating an orange and not offering any to the female. Upon cumming, the female recycles the sperm by regurgitating and swallowing once more.

Emmanuel: Kendal, you are doing a wonderful job on my testicles. I want to commend you for your customer service. I appreciate everything you are doing, and will be sending an email about your performance via Reply All. The glorious nation of Mexico shines upon you today! Oh, I am sorry that I did not offer you my orange.

Kendal: That's OK. I think YOUR fruit juice tastes just fine. In fact, I'm going to recycle this and enjoy it again.

See blowjob, recycle, mexico, oranges


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