
What is Reported?


Said in response to a post, comment or action that is against the rules of whatever game or forum the conversation took place.

Most notably, the game World of Warcraft.

Sticking a period at the end adds finality, and is optional.

Usually, it's just a joke.

A: I hate niggers

B: reported.

C: Hey, you're not allowed to do that, stop it.

B: make me

C: reported.


Being turned in for being a dummie while showing off your 1337HaX0r) skillz playing games, especially WoW (World Of Warcraft).

Persehphone: Hey you just ninja'd my chest, now I must slap around your sister and blacklist you from my 1337 guild you n00b.

Agosa: I hate you and you are Reported you underwear sniffer.


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