What is Republican Logic?
A mythology often alluded to by the rich.
see: oxymoron
Fred thought his political views were in line with Republican logic, then he realized he was just an ass.
A type of
Republican logic is the logic of goose stepping,
brown shirt and jack boot wearingthugs .
1)A myth made up by fox news and believed by the ignorant. See also:
2) An oxymoron, e.g. two words with opposite meanings
"My friend John believes in Republican logic. He's an ass."
The complex system of
I see from the mix of Christian and jingoistic stickers on your car that you suffer from Republican Logic.
1. Undeconstructed Aristotelian logic, that is to say, a persistent manifestation of a centuries-old oppression by dead white males from the Graeco-Roman tradition. See "feminist epistomology", "gender situated knowledge", so on
2. Being too "left brained"
3. Intelligible thought
You'll never understand Lysenko theory or New Age holistic herbalism with your Republican logic.
Logic that doesn't advertise the government coercing well-earned money of the most productive members of society onto the parasitic, welfare elements. Logic that doesn't want to punish success with high taxes, and subsidize failure with free money. In other words, actual logic, as opposed to knee-jerk, emotive liberal reasoning.
It makes sense to punish the most hardworking, productive members of society, by forcing them to give up 40% of their paychecks to the unproductive - NOT.