Republican Party

What is Republican Party?


A white-collar crime organization; a pack of criminally insane political prostitutes without consciences, who have buried their faces in the public pie as though it were a feeding trough, and done nothing but loot the treasury for six long years. Only a fool or a whore would consider the current Republican Party a conservative party. Insofar as fiscal restraint and limited government are the defining features of the conservative position, the Republicriminal Party couldn’t be any fucking farther from Conservative.

If you think the Republican Party is conservative you have shit for brains.

See republican party, neo-con, neocon, gop, bush, w, dick cheney


A conservative political party in the United States that represents the interests of 1 percent of the population, which also happens to be the richest people in the country. They have managed to create a mass base of support that consists of over one half of the U.S. population by duping them into believing they also represent their interests, when in fact they don't give a shit about the poor, blacks, minorities, women, and anything and everything that has to do with making life pleasant for everyone else.

I hate the Republican Party. It's full of a bunch of racist, self-righteous, greedy assholes.

See bush, cheney, rice, politics, america, democracy


The homosexual pedophiles’ party. Dedicated to sheltering homosexual pedophiles.

RepublicanParty: Do I make you horny?

Underage_boy23: A little.

Republican Party: Cool.

See homos, homosexuals, pedophiles, author


The party that parties with underage boys.

Ain't no party like a Republican Party because a Republican Party don't stop....until underage boys are solicited.

See gay, homo, kiddie porn, party, republican, foley, catholic priest, molester


The U.S. political party which purports advocating the constitution and freedom of the individual with the least interference/assistance from the Federal Government. Unfortunately, because of F.R.D. and the National Rehabilitation Act (NRA) The Federal Government is now completely and firmly meshed with every part of our lives. As it always is, Power corrupts and the ultimate goal is not to enact change but to maintain power. This is true of both of the major U.S. political parties.

The Republican Party says that life is scared but then push the death penalty. The Democratic Partysays abortion is acceptable but will not allow the death of a convicted murderer.

See g.o.p., freedom


A political party in the United States, which is the only party that upholds the Constitution, fights corruption in the government, defends the Republic from enemies who desire to destroy said Republic, and who desire that the American dream be maintained, both economically and morally..

A member of the Republican Party

A good citizen of these United States...

Thank God that we have a good Republican who shall reform the government, uphold the law, and defend the Republic, unlike the Democrats, who are only interested in screwing the good citizens of these United States out of billions of dollars, who emphasize the murder of the unborn, who care less for moral responsibility, and the deity which hath created this world than their political career...

One that loves his or her country...

See republican, good man, democrat, traitor, freedom, morality


A right-wing political party in the United States of America.

Dedicated to stopping terrorism and protecting our freedom.

Despite what many people are told by wacky liberals, the Republican party are not fascists or war-mongers.

In short, the Republican party is the best damn political party in the world.

Normal person: I'm voting the Republican Party in this years election

Wacky liberal: No! Give Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda a chance! Vote the Democrats! Now, will you excuse me while I go and smoke weed and kill babies

See conservative, awesome, great, benign, right-wing


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