What is Restricted Free Agent?


A hot girl under the age of 18 that you would like to have sexual intercourse with.When dealing with restricted free agents you may have to give up conditional draft picks to acquire their services. The higher the draft pick the higher the jail sentence and the hotter the bitch.

Damn that restricted free agent is hot as fuck, i would give up a first round pick to fuck her.

While i was at chuckie cheese i encountered some restricted free agents.

Last night i fucked a first round pick, then i woke up in the morning and realized she was really just a seventh round pick.

See underage, jailbait, jb, lolita, lolitas, prostitot, prostitots, pedophile, pedophiles, bait, teen, teens, statutory rape, robbing the cradle, baby poon, young girl, trap, veal, twat waffle, twatwaffle, illegal, minor, consent, slut, sluts, whore, whores, skank, skanks, cunt, cunts, hoe, hoes, bitch, bitches, girl, girls, hottie, hotties, pussy, pussies, twat, twats, sexxy, baby, teeny


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